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Poopy Russian

A mixed alcoholic beverage, consisting of vodka, milk, kahlua and coke. This drink arises every time someone decides to mix together the classic White Russian and Black Russian drinks. The result is like someone's anus has exploded in your cocktail glass.

Dude #1: "Dude, hook me up with a drink! Wait... what's this?"
Dude #2: "Dude it's a Poopy Russian, check it out!"
Dude #1: (drinks)... "Man, it's like I just ate out someone's ass!"
Dude #2: "This is true."

by EZ-D March 29, 2011

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russian raph

usually a term for a jewish man who usually disregards the rules of the old schmool. he usually sneaks snacks on yon kippur and eats cheeseburgers and bacon along with various non kosher delicasies. you may refer to him as the non jewish yet jewish renaissance man. he also has quite a big schlong.

russian raph sucked me off!

by jaybeezy1234321234 October 12, 2009

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Russian Lumberjack

When a Russian girl is sucking your cock, you say something that pisses her off and she responds by chomping your cock(wood) off.

Kisha was giving me some great head, I called her a dirty slut and she took it the wrong way and gave me the Russian lumberjack leaving me cockless.

by JUGGG!!!! April 15, 2019

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Act of Russian

Doing something stupid; an outrageous act of stupidity. Any video from Russia captured on a potato camera.

Person: So I was playing with fire and decided that wasn't dangerous enough. So I used a piece of glass as a hot plate and started boiling candle wax! The glass, not made for such heat, exploded sending red hot pieces of shrapnel glass and boiling wax, all over me!

Doctor: well, it seems you have accomplished your Act of Russian for the day.

by Hospitaltality February 9, 2015

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Russian Blue

A sex act involving a sexually frustrated man who has been teased for a justified amount of time (with blue balls) & a bottle of vodka.

Vodka is poured liberally on the balls with the woman sucking & licking the vodka off.

Once the man has released his frustration the pair rinse off in the shower before engaging in intercourse in whatever style takes their fancy.

This act works best between a couple from two different continents.

Adam: "I love you. Take me home & give me a Russian Blue"

by Hoju October 7, 2019

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Russian macaroni

1. a fatal stomach disease that causes ulcers, it's slang is "russian macaroni"

2. two homosexual men have intercourse through the anal passage. one man's penis ejaculates sperm into the anus. He then excretes urine into the same man's anus. The man who was ejaculated and peed into then poops out a light yellow, chunky mixture that looks somewhat of macaroni. You will never look at mac n cheese the same way again.

You may eat it if you'd like.

3. macaroni and cheese made in russia

1. "Oh no! I have russian macaroni!"
2. "Oh no! Maybe you got it from the russian macaroni you

had last night!"
3. "You don't understand! now we can't russian macaroni

every night anymore!"

by INVISIBOWL. March 29, 2011

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Hairy Russian

Similar to the Abe Lincoln but instead of aplying the jizzum and pubes to the chin area you apply it to the forehead creating a unibrow like appearence.

Dude,while this guy was passed out I gave him a Hairy Russian.

by Quay and Justin October 30, 2003

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