The title bestowed upon someone who participates in the practice of defecating in the cat litter tray so as not to miss a crucial moment in a televised live sporting event by leaving the room to visit the bathroom.
"Dude, I seriously need a shit but I just know the Broncos are gunna score a touchdown as soon as I leave the room".
"Don't sweat it Bro, just curl one out in the cat litter tray and clean it up after the game".
"Seriously Dude"?
"Yeah no problem, I do it all the time when watching the game, your eyes never need to leave the TV. I'm a regular Litter Shitter".
A thread on twitter which has lost all relevance and/or interest, or where only idiots trying to look cool after the main trend remain to show any form of willingful continuation of the thread. Can also be applied to forums and blogs. Another way of these coming about is where a shitter thread is created as a means for procrastination
have you seen the kinds of things people are tweeting on twitter nowadays? It's all shitter threads
The continued tweeting about Micheal Jackson's death and the current tweeting about Justin Bieber are examples of shitter threads.
The shame and anxiety one suffers while taking a shit. Often happens at weak moments after you've recently done something stupid.
Tim: Man, i'm got a serious case of shitter's shame just now
Ben: Why? Whats up man?
Tim: I keep feeling real insecure... Must be the shame of shagging your mother last week.
if you’re wrecking the shitter it’s the FATTEST SHAT you’ve ever taken. it’s practically breaking the toilet
Joe: I just wrecked the shitter
Martha: uh oh is that shit gonna flush
Joe: my stomach hurt so bad i needed to wreck the shitter
wrecking the shitter- big shit
goes into public bathrooms and shits in urinals
ME: Hey Matthew, we are gonna have to start calling you "jack the shitter"
A team of lads formed in Ambleside to , investigate, capture and detain an infamous Phantom Shitter. Identifiable by their unique badges, they were created to protect small towns from lesser-common shower shitters, and defend the community. Each team contains one Phantom Shitter Inspector, who inspects the crime scene after a report.
The Phantom Shitter Investigators are on the hunt in Ambleside.
A shitter is someone that has 0pr in fn ligit boxed u like a fish ur so free freer than a public bathroom so free litterly dog water dont talk to me shitter