1. To drink a Monster energy drink much too quickly to be any good for your health
2. To perform a sexual act similar to but not necessarily limited to "spanking the monkey"
3. To masturbate so hard that your dick feels like you slammed it against a monster
"Damn that bitch is fine. I'd slam the monster with her any time."
When you take your buddy's granny and do the slamming granny in the fanny on her.
John: "Tom I did the gran slam on your granny last night. I was pretty wasted. Sorry man."
Tom: " That is Fucked up. Now I have to do the San Francisco bird feeder on your mom."
Any collision or energetic snafu involving two people and hard surface. Gets its name from the famed Subway sandwich.
One side of the bed frame collapsed, causing us to completely slam ham into the wall.
To express a great love for someone (platonic or non-platonic)
John, I really wanna window slam you right now.
when you drop your jar of strawberry jam and accidentally become a game development team
"hey jerry seinfeld i got the jam- oh shit"
"hi im jerry seinfeld it seems you have made the slammed jam on accident"
laugh track
Slammed Jam Is A Roblox Dev Group That Consists Of MaceArcadia, DenianWriter, NyoomEXE, NiceAcky, Pela Sarmi And VerticoZ
It Is Owned By Mace he also has a second group called bloxdonalds.corp. Slammed Jams Main Project Is Find The Trollfaces Re-Memed the predecessor to the original Find The Trollfaces rip fly high
Trollster 1:what yor favorit dev group on rol blox
Trollster 2:slammed jam
Chugging beer in a porta-potty.
This is commonly practiced at public events where drinking is not allowed, such as parades or your little brother's soccer game.
Bro 1: "Damn bro, there are people everywhere. How are we going to get tanked without someone seeing us?"
Bro 2: "Fear not bro, we can just porto slam this 30 case."