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Austin, TX

The capital city of Texas. Known for it's live music and all the Californians who keep moving there. Basically the place for you if you want to say you live in Texas but hate most of the state.

Guy: Hey why is Austin, TX the capital of Texas? Isn't San Antonio larger by population and area, more diverse, and more historically relevant? And doesn't it have more to do?
Other Guy: Well yes, but Austin is more centrally located I guess. Look do you want more annoying people to start moving to San Antonio?
Guy: I guess not.
Other Guy: Then don't complain. They might ruin it too.

by Troi_Baker June 3, 2021

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austin pipeline

An Austin Pipeline is capturing a log of feces. The log is then frozen and subsequently inserted into the rectum of a woman.

Can you stick that Austin Pipeline in my ass?
Let me stick that Austin Pipeline in your ass.

by Lemur225 February 14, 2014

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austin freeman

a douche bag that like to beat it to mexican prono

The lazy english teacher is often reffered to as a an austin freeman by his students.

by haha690101221 August 28, 2008

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Dirty Austin

the act of dipping your balls into the toilet bowl after using it and having your significant other lick your balls afterwards

I had my girl do the Dirty Austin to me last night.

by lilOppai March 20, 2021

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austin strong


stop acting like an austin strong in front of my parents

by skeeter&adds December 8, 2008

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TJ Austin

A member of the Vancouver School of Arts and Academics, a person with brown hair, color changing eyes, and a great personality, despite that, people say he has dated half of the school, thats probably true considering the people that said that don't know that it really is true, accept not. he's dated 15 people from that school. he is currently in his 10th grade year at this school and is in three art classes, Vocal lvl 1, dance explore, and Band lvl 3. He loves to give hugs and really appreiciates good hugs back. His Catch Phrase is Shazam, and he is morbidly obsessed with the Abridged Series, and Johnny Depp. His Best friends include the infamous Fancypants, and Mitchel, together they make the tri-force.

TJ Austin has the best eyes ever.

by the anonon September 20, 2009

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Austin Vrabel

Sick tennis player, who annoys the shit out of me in math sometimes.

Horrible beatboxer

"Austin Vrabel stop poking me in the back"

"Austin Vrabel you suck at beatboxing"

by BlackMasta7 March 10, 2010

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