Due to the sub standard plumbing dimensions in Greece expertise must be demonstrate in the orchestrated art of wiping your arse pipe while keeping time playing off beats on the pedal bin to dispose of the soiled 3 ply aftermath of an ouzo and souvlaki laden bowel movement.
Christ that's loose, I'll have to play the greek drum kit for a far while.
California's elite rager team. Venues, transportation, security, go-go dancers, performers, djs, bar tenders, lighting, stage, special effects, photo booth rentals, an entire production!! Think rave or a fancy soiree. #partyextreme
Extreme Greeks always has the hottest girls and sickest production.
It is when partners engaged in intimacy position themselves in such away to perform analingus on each other simultaneously.
I’d like to try a Greek 69 tonight my dear.
A piece of shit that doesn't deserve to be called music. But is quite easy to perform because it doesn't require skills , just loud noises and flex. MORE simply another definition of cancer
1: Man ,why do you get 0 BITCHES
2: I actually don't know
1: Wait a minute ,what is your favorite type of music ?
1: Everything makes sense now
A collection of as many Greek letters as possible in a mathematical thesis, intended to give the reader a firm impression of the author being smart, rather than conveying the same information in a more meaningful way. The Greek soup is often found in LaTeX generated pdfs using the Computer Modern typeface.
Oh my, what a beautiful Greek soup! That person must be really clever.
When one performs fellatio “from the back”
She didn’t just give him the royal treatment; she gave him the Greek Platter.
The Greek lollipop is Lumpy bits located between the sack and the anus including any hemorides.
Kane likes having his Greek lollipop licked.