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ain't that hella bitchrod

A common phrase, can be used to display either excitement and exuberance or disappointment and loathing.

Will replace the word "cool" in a few years, due to the greater amount of fun while stating it.

Man, I got a new comp! Ain't that hella bitchrod!

D00d, that poem had tons of poetic devices, such as similes, asonance, aliiteration, and metaphors! Ain't that hella bitchrod!

Holy carp! You just threw my backpack into the toilet! Ain't that hella bitchrod!

by Huet March 8, 2003

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hella sick dude

sharik's description of any fine ass guy i.e.:the AzN pRiNzE

"Hey do you know Bon Bon?...He's HELLA SICK DUDE!"

by abarsquared March 15, 2003

13๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hella Nigger Jank

Noun; when an item looks as though a house nigger fucked your shit up using his/her monkey brain.

Damn dude, your bumper look hella nigger janked on to your car!

by The Definer of Real Lyfe March 30, 2011

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slaves are hella good

niggers who are just generally cool and do your work

me and my child think slaves are hella good

by Sus gang boiis get on my level April 6, 2019

8๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


adjective : used to describe one who is a bad person, one who likes to lick camel bootyhole, some who is Cullinaning, or parents that are assholes

"They say I look bad and stupid because I have long hair, they are just hella-stupid."

by Pelolargo February 20, 2003

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Hella extra gay

When a man or woman has so much gay in them you can only describe it as hella extra gay.

Damn Austin is hella extra gay with how much gay he has in his little body!

by RobotGS July 19, 2018

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hella (also hell of)

1) adj. many, several
2) adv. extremely

formerly exclusive to b-town (circa 1980). now common throughout northern california, but considered peculiar elsewhere.

1) damn, there hella fools up in here!

2) ooh, that salsa hella hot!

by anon. January 18, 2004

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