An advanced set of wings, after having sex with on holy or church grounds
Mike earned his holy wings with that psycho.
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A child who claims to be religious and a devoted follower of Jesus, but he/she actually is a thirsty, predator-like, hungry, sex craved, dirty minded, hormone driven, thot-like person who preys on the kind hearted, caring, compassionate, and loyal young people. A holy kid often acts, dresses, and applies makeup/beauty products like a hoe. A holy kid generally dates around and has a body count higher than the number of years he/she has been alive. This term can be used for anyone besides a guy with the name of Joe.
Jeremy: “Kaydence, why did you makeout with Jimmy and Michael in the same day?”
Kaydence: “That didn’t happen because I’m a holy kid.”
EVERY GUY AROUND: “How can you even be talking? I thought your throat hurt from all the dick that bruised it and all the cum you swallowed. You can’t even pray to Jesus with all the dick in your mouth. The only hopes you have of getting to Heaven is that the cumshot from the next dick up your ass, which will probably be a BBC, has enough jizz to shoot you up that high. Holy kid my ass.”
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An exclamation uttered when one realizes that they can not believe what they are seeing or have just seen.
Holy Jasper! He just ate 13 chili dogs and got on the wall of fame at the Corner Bar.
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when the ladies of Atlanta’s Real Housewives were unpacking LaToya’s relationship with Prophet Lott they called the rumors the holy drip
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when kylé means to type holy shit but autocorrect hits him with a holy shot
“holy shot dude” -kylé
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The act of a man baptizing the bishop into a woman’s honey hole.
Last night Nicole got drunk and let Todd give her the holy dunk.
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the best catholic all-girls school in jersey. all the girls complain about the workload and other people but you know they love the friends they have and work hard to get good grades. lots of tea but what do you expect from girls? everyone gets it confused with IHA but holy angels is obviously the better school. freshman are awkward and walk slowly in the hallways but we all know everyone in Bergen County. girls roll out of bed and come to school still looking pretty anyway. everyone's super involved with clubs, athletics, theater, and academics but everyone knows how to get lit on the weekends. go angels!!
@ All Boys: If she goes to Holy Angels, she's smart, gorgeous, athletic, funny, and knows more about world issues than your parents. If she likes you, you should TOTALLY date her.
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