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thumbing the cookie

The act of group sex whilst listening to obscenely loud rock music and eating jaffa cakes

or something to that effect

by Albert Q Fuxbridgingberry March 16, 2004

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make cookies

have sex; get freaky; get your sex on; fuck... etc.

Sometimes you can get specific about things as well.. example: lets make chocolate chip cookies... meaning lets do it in the butt.

Girl: Lets go make cookies

Boy: Hell yeah. Lets go.

by ilikesugarcookies March 28, 2010

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Cookie Money

Money that you've recieved by a hustle or number of hustles.

Got to get this cookie money,ya dig?

by Darius Nickerson October 7, 2006

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all the cookies

A wide range of knowledge. Highly skilled in many areas.

During my interview, I told the hiring manager that I had β€œall the cookies” and they hired me on the spot.

by Alex zoros September 27, 2018

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Whore Cookie

A cookie with sperm baked into it.

Whore: what's a whore cookie?

Chef: Well lets just say, you'll taste the secret ingredient right off the bat.

by Hakuboshi September 5, 2009

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Cookie Fries

1. A delicious mix of cookies and french fries. The original Caribbean recipe calls for the cookies to be chocolate flavoured and in their full and unmodified form. However, many Americanized recipes allow for different flavours of cookies to be used and for the cookies to be crumbled to allow for a better mixture of the ingredients.

"These cookie fries are delicious".

by Skywalkers July 6, 2009

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Dirty Cookies

A descriptive term for any unfortunate situation, to insult an unwanted group of assholes, or could be used to describe anything literally covered in filth. It is most effective when describing something that used to be good. Why? Because no one wants dirty cookies.

Me: My roommate invited 13 year old girls to our kegger... again...
Guest: Aw fuck dat! Dats some dirty dookies right dere.

Stoner #1: Noooooo, I just spilled half the ground up weed for this blunt on the carpet! (5 minutes later, after picking it out of the carpet fuzz) Eh, it's not that bad, we can still smoke it.
Stoner #2: Dude... thats some dirty cookies.

Raver: That was the best desert party I've ever been to... Can I use your shower? I'm such a dirty cookie right now.

by dotpxl November 25, 2012

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