something that lot lizard jordan ringwald gives for fun at the trucks
john; aye azure wheres jordan?
azure; out giving lizard blizzards!
john; wow what a lot lizard
A small capsule used for recreational purposes, leaving the user licking their eyebrows.
The people at 954 use lizard caps, a new drug and lick their eyebrows.
(n.) a person who does things in an unconventional time or order. (derogatory)
you brushed your teeth before 10pm. what a speed lizard.
A female that likes to get muddy and does anything for a ride
Get off the atv you mud lizard
A term sometimes used to deride a woman, most commonly a celebrity. Often used by women in response to their husbands or partners daring to suggest (or even think) said woman is attractive.
Fanny: “What movie did you boys choose?”
Jock: “The Wolf of Wall Street”
Fanny: “I’m not fucking watching that lizard face whore get her fish box out”
Jock: “But, I like…”
Fanny: “She stinks like sardines”
Raymond: “Geez, give Jock a break…”
Fanny: “You can shut the fuck up too with your crush on that geriatric lizard faced Aliens bitch!”
Oh wow holy shit she HATES him! That is nuts! I just saw her little rant (which was both adorable and hilarious) and her little ass CANNOT STAND that dude! Ha!
Hym "Oh no! The Lizard doesn't like Andy! What a shame. She'd probably love Tristan though. They should do an interview! Go forth! Do.. Do the thing... Interview with the lizard..."