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A cringy way to express cuteness.


"Go kys"

by :)(::):( January 13, 2024


It means hot

*Somebody touches my dick*

by uwumasteruwu April 15, 2019


A word for overloading cuteness. You will get fucking attacked for saying it

Person one: Hi guys i got a new cat he is soooo uwu
Person two: Im gonna fucking bomb your house

by fjahfuhahfhaihfauidfa June 1, 2022


UwU is a sin to the internet it mostly used by furrys and weebs.

weeb :- UwU natsukie is best gurl :3

furry :- UwU nu sanko is best gurl >:3

*discord server admin kicks them out*

by rosewood is hoe September 1, 2020


its another way to say the chinese c slur


by discordkittwen October 28, 2022


shit that weird girls on discord be saying to get nitro

girl : uwu
fat discord mod : so hot bae heres some nitro

by imsosexcong November 22, 2022


uwu is the language of furries. if you use it, the god of furries will come down from heaven and magicaly make u a furry. you will be disowned by all of your current relations, and will become a servent to all horny emotions.

uwu is a word only to be used in the context of drarry fanfictions. anywhere else it is considered a sin apon god and all things holy.

if 'uwu' is part of your everyday speech, go see a therapist. now. like, literally go.

senpai, notice me uwuwuwuwu!!

by drarryismylife_101 November 10, 2022