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whistling tea-kettle syndrome

the eternal punishing lot of the male!

extreme, overwhelming drive to engage in (and complete!) the sex act. no sympathy/empathy from much of the world the world re: this 'natural' condition.

if we can land on the moon! where is the technology to 'help' a poor fellow with his pain??

i.e.: virtual reality, etc? if prostitution MUST be 'illegal'!? why can't the 'sharper' minds find a solution??, (especially when so many suffer from the same malady!!)

i saw that bird walking, and was brought to my knees by the whistling tea-kettle syndrome!

she laughed at the notion of whistling tea-kettle syndrome!!

the two scientists made the government nervous with their plan to build a cyborg, specifically designed to process whistling tea-kettle syndrome!!

by michael foolsley May 11, 2011

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Wettin' your whistle before reffing the big game

Doing a little predrinking before arriving to a larger social event.

it's cool, just wettin' your whistle before reffing the big game.

by The happy dancer June 12, 2010

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butt whistling finger jaming dick sucking whore

One who sucks dick and jams finger in ass while whistling at the same time meaning she is very talented and is a whore.

Kristen: Mike you are such a cock shiner

Mike: Well its better than being a Butt Whistling Finger Jaming Dick Sucking Whore

by terrorofdeath September 24, 2009

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one toot on this whistle will send you to a far away land

Means: One hit from a Bong will send you through a massive trip

Dude 1: Some wealthy person gave me a bong and said "One toot on this whistle will send you to a far away land"
Dude 2: did you follow his instructions?
Dude 1: Oh yeah, i went on a MASSIVE trip

by your best idiot April 26, 2010

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A Triple Jump Through a Hoop Whilst Whistling the Star Spangled Banner

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

They left the Earth just prior to its destruction, but left humanity one last message, a triple jump through a hoop whilst whistling the Star Spangled Banner, which, when translated, read, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.

by cameleopard42 May 27, 2010

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that asshole is whistling

This is in reference to a major asswhooping in either gaming or real life. The term "that asshole is whistling" is like saying they got so beat down that when the wind blows their asshole is whistling like a beer bottle.

You catch the fight last night on pay-per-view? Friend: yeah man, that ASSHOLE IS WHISTLING! He aint gonna shit right for a week!

by Grumpy gilmore April 27, 2021

Pig Whistle

Communication device (telephone and kiosk to send emails) that inmates use to contact their friends and family. This form of communication is always monitored and/or recorded.

This is also how an inmate requests to speak to investigators to begin snitching.

Willie was crying last night, saying he can't handle being in jail. He's definitely gonna blow the pig whistle.

by Peebee Enjay September 3, 2020