It's the 1800s....
"Okay white man."
"Damnit i'm a racist cracker cuz i'm a slave to the times"
Often celebrated by fat hairy broskis who are wayyy to excited about something. Strongly disliked by football coaches and girlfriends, “pep time” for short is a commonly celebrated holiday in Flint, Michigan
-“Fuckin Flint Rob shoulder checked the blind chick and did a pep time afterwards”
-“names Rob not Bob
Ain’t a fag, put the pepperonis in a bag”
-“it’s pep time fuckers”
-“you keep talking shit like that your gonna get nutted on with a pep time afterwards”
Pepperoni time means rubbing your nipples in celebration
Spend time with your brother day on april 24th
Brother 1: Hey! Today is Spend time with your brother day. Brother 2:Let's hang out!
When a male member of the older generation commits an act or says something which is defined by younger peers as what an absolute 'Lad' would say/do.
"Your Dad is so funny, he should come out with us more often!"
"I know, right? He's like The 'lad' that time forgot!"
"You know, back in my day boys, I was considered a bit of a ladykiller!"
"Alright, don't big yourself up 'lad' that time forgot!"
a subconscious mess up of Flynn my brother,
Message from subconscious was,
That fat milf my master not mark ya,
Milf is a girl name genitalia
I can't understand flim half the time, but now he has a pedophile watching him some father I had named brain chose it, even explained it.
A threat to kill someone.
Inspired from an old tradition of carrying out execution sentences in the "Piazza San Marco", Venice, Italy. The convict will be facing the infamous clock "Torre dell'Orologio" and the last thing he'll be seeing is "time".
-Person A: Yo Tony, if you don't get me that money in 2 days, I'm gonna show you the time!
Show "someone" the time
The man the myth the legend "XmattyG" made this meme famous in his Youtube videos where he screams IT'S RACE TIME before a race on the F1 Games. By SRL Ecke
It's race time it's the Ching chong grand prickie