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Spread like Jiff

The act of a girl opening her legs to anything that moves.

Girl 1: That girl spreads her legs to anything.
Girl 2: yeah. She will spread like jiff.

by Nosluts0187 February 20, 2018

Work like a dog

To work like a dog means to do regular work on the Sabbath.

Please do not work like a dog on God's holy Sabbath.

by Be holy August 5, 2019

like 9000

The most. More than anything.

It’s the best.

My homies weed is like 9000.

That show last night was like 9000

by Like 9000 May 26, 2023


To do or say something EXTREMELY fuckin dumb or annoying

John - "I'm gOwOnna stab yUwUo~"

Tim - "God you sound so Lazar-like right now."

by SadFemboy February 7, 2025

you smell like the sun

This means you smell like sweat to filipinos and indonesians

Ew put some deodorant on, you smell like the sun!

by Inethiu June 6, 2024

Fanny like a carrier bag

A way to describe the fanny of a girl who has lots of sex

Johnny: I’d shag her
James: Nah she has a fanny like a carrier bag

by Suckyourdad February 3, 2021

Ya like amongus?

The single worst sentence one can utter. Other than all racial slurs in a row. If you've seen or heard anyone in the act of saying this sentence, please pull out a gun and shoot them then and there

Some kid: ya like amongus?
Me, turning around: the fuck you just say
Some kid: sussy amongus
Me: pulls out gun
Some kid: It was just a joke man! Come on,
Me: shoots him dead on the spot

by TamChanUwU November 2, 2021