It is mostly used by people at voguing battles. Also can have the letter "y" at the end.
Cunt: In gay/drag culture, the word "cunt" is used as a replacement for "slay" or "yass queen".
You better cunt to that music bitch
This outfit is so cunty
Aussie word for when you forget your mates name and your best friends with them.
Aussie cunt 1: sup you dumb ass cunt
Aussie cunt 2: your mum has a numb ass if you know what I mean, cunt
An alternative term to refer to a politician
The prime minister is a complete cunt
A term used for not a nice person.
That Seline is a real cunt, she’s probably had more prick’s than a 2nd hand dart board..
Cunt can be used as a Gay slang, which came from the show “Ru Paul’s Drag race” and can be used for a positive description.
-Giiiirl, she looks so cunty with that outfit.
-His personality has it all! Cunt all the way!
-This is the place for real talents, if you don’t have cunt, just leave already.