abby- i missed the sunrise tonight now im having a bad night
jay- the sun rises in the morning you dumb cunt
cunt (pronounced kənt)a word Twelvies, Australians and Scottish people use in every sentence they use. when used by scottish people use the word, the ə is replaced by an o͝o sound. in the australian language, it means friend but for scottish people it is a derogatory name often given to shitty drivers and sheep that wont get of the fucking road. nobody knows what it means in the world of twelvies
scottish guy: hey man do you want a drink
australian guy: cunt im not here to fuck spiders
scottish guy: oy no need to be a cunt about it
twelvie: yeah dont be a fucking cunt of a cunt-nugget face you cunty cunt fuck
scottish guy: the fucks wrong with that cunt
australian guy: cunt, fucked if i know lets get some drinks
A bitch named audrey who spits on other people and has never invested in a toothbrush in her life. She also can’t keep friends because she’s a cunt.
Refers to a driver who doesn’t know how to drive fast.
Also when you’re with a client in a therapy session and you have to tell them about their problem.
**therapy session**
Me (therapist): ever thought you just might be a cunt?
(Australian Accent)
Road rage (Mark): CUNT!!!
Cody Thomas is an utter cunt
“Look there’s Cody Thomas the Cunt”