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down colossal

worse than down bad, in the trenches

Our standards are in the core of earth. We’re down colossal

by lexiandannie October 8, 2022

Don't Bring Me Down

A song.

Person 1: Hey I'm listening to Don't Bring Me Down
Person 2: Ok.

by womdom2023 October 13, 2023

Warm Down

A synonymous phrase to “Cool-down”, said for irony. Cool off

Imma need you to warm down my friends

by fire lance finder May 7, 2021

Bow wow durf down

Dry humping doggy style

He took her up to kyhv peak and freaked it. Gave her the bow wow durf down.

by Pebus galacticus November 7, 2022

upside-down lumpkin

Taking a shit while doing a handstand, while getting a blowjob.

It is essential that the shit spreads down the body like a waterfall.

Babe what do you think, is it time to perform an upside-down lumpkin?

by grantjohnson June 2, 2010

down point

the act of going down to the bars (bar) on Broadway in Rocky Point, LI. Though not as popular as the term Down Port and the night life severely less satisfying your wallet will be sure to thank you and you get to avoid large crowds so you can drink quietly by yourself or with a couple buds.

Sally went Down Point Thursday as an economical alternative to Down Point even though they have twofers at the Arden! Sally is not as trendy as most girls but expresses a heighten maturity level .

by Johnnynoname November 15, 2016

upside down Woopsie Wazey

When you are getting a hand job and the person has their hand upside down with her pinky up.

I was laying in my bed and Amanda was giving me an upside down woopsie wazey.

by Bigbagger1231 August 19, 2023