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Poo Hag

The supernatural being known for delivering explosive and uncontrollable diarrhea; the Poo Hag can be warded off by wearing "haint blue" underwear.

Derivation of the Gullah superstition the Boo Hag, who sucks the breath of its victims while they sleep;

A Poo Hag bun ridin' me in da bathroom las night.

by fushin'mullissa July 14, 2009

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poo touch

using a pressure point in the hand to make the recipient involuntarily defecate

matt didn't believe in the poo touch, so he let brian get him while he was on the toilet.

by bucci March 30, 2006

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poo goblins

Magical creatures that come in the night to remove poo from your girlfriend, because obviously girls don't poo. That would be gross.

Girlfriend: Oh babe I think I have to go number two.
Boyfriend: Not possible. What's wrong your poo goblins on vacation or something?

by Scout was fat. April 25, 2012

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Fire Poo

The poo you receive after eating spicy foods, such as Hot Cheetos or Hot wings. It comes out liquidy and red. This poo never wants you to go poo ever again.

Hey bro! I was at the movie theatre and I got Fire Poo.

by Mark Xantho December 11, 2006

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poo nuggets

pieces of shit that have become entangled in the pubic/anus hair and hardened into "nuggets"

I went to hit Monishiqua from the back, but when I spread it, there were all these nasty poo nuggets all over the place...dirty bitch

by scarfman January 31, 2004

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gorilla poo

With adhesive properties similar to that of the commercially popular "gorilla glue", gorilla poo is fecal matter that remains stuck to the toilet bowl with striking resiliency after several flushes.

John's defacation became classified as a gorilla poo after several flushes failed to remove the matter from the bowl.

by jds07030 March 1, 2009

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poo jam

the stuff that collects around your ass and gets stuck in the crack.

I was in the shower washing myself and noticed some poo jam around my ass.

by turbopants January 13, 2007

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