A classic saying heard when two men thump their willies with peeled back foreskin.
Jeff: Did you see both Haruto and Alex yesterday at school?
Clarice: Yes I saw them going into the bathroom together and heard an uproar
Jeff: Oh shit i think them kids went willy thumping!!!!
Clarice: Classic Haruto and Alex
a big nigger who is racist against Irish people
Oh your black? Well your a popcorn Willy simp.
Willy hand: where a man goes to for a pee and afterwards does not wash their hands. This therefore gives the man a 'willy hand', which potentially passes on willy germs to any unsuspecting person who happens to shake their hand.
In a crowed bar, Jane asks Fred, “Did you just go for a pee and not wash your hands?” “Sure.” “Ahhhhh Fred’s got Willy Hand, Fred’s got Willy hand!”
When some blows into your ear. Whether hard or soft.
Instead of a wet willy, Charlotte kept giving me a wind willy.
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