Source Code

hi- rate

of good quality; beautiful.
Orgin: East Bay

"i got a double date with a bitch das high rate"

by homeOFtheBEST[415] January 20, 2005

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An excuse to buy a new TV.

Sure my TV is nice, but it's not hi-def.

by Something915 December 15, 2008

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hi butt

When a girls gotta booty up hiya

hi butt: a high resting butt
omg that butt is almost part of her back!

by Mewme6 March 18, 2015

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Something that is so funny (or, hilarious) that the observer is wholly incapable of laughter or response in any form.

"That movie was so hi-larryous that Reginold could not even crack a smile."

by Kyle B January 30, 2005

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hi balls

drink from a bar ( or ) gonads on a giraffe

giraffe walked into bar in south gate says " whats up ?".. Old geezer looks up says, " I don't know but the hi balls are on you".. Hay bar keep setum up...

by itichie_nocanpo October 19, 2006

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His girlfriend

A person who should burn in a car so i would be able to be it

His girlfriend is so dumb and should die

by IM FUCKING YOUR DAD LOL November 23, 2022

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Word used to identify message board thread take overs.

The original post was about "holes" but some "hi-jacker" turned it into a peta discussion.

by raptorman July 27, 2004

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