A sex act defined by licking your partner's nipples while he or she masturbates him/herself to completion.
Too tired for sex? How about a quick Windsor thank-you and then we can binge watch The Office.
if someone gives unnecessary comments that you didn’t ask for you can deal with it with sarcasm:) and humor!
lif someone was like ewww! that person stinks you could say “thank you for your city your frank”
The quote dolphins said before they flew away in the first book of Douglas Adams's series "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy". They say this because they are more intelligent and tried to warn us of the Vogon's plan to destroy Earth. The reason the Vogons want to destroy Earth is to make an intergalactic freeway and earth Is in the way.
So long, and thanks for all the fish!-Dolphins
2👍 1👎
“Thanks for today” or “thank you for today,” followed by offering a handshake means you have been dismissed. Commonly used in the UK construction industry where many are self-employed, umbrella PAYE, or agency & little notice is needed.
Thanks for today is brutal, passive aggressive & means you’ve probably been binned on your first day. Most UK agencies force a contractor to keep the subby for a full shift, so the end of the day is usually the earliest they can bin you. You will be lucky if you are given any feedback directly. If they give feedback to the agency, the agency won’t tell you but you won’t get any more work from them (blacklisting).
Shit managers & supervisors insult & get you doing demeaning tasks if they decide they don’t like you, hoping you walk & they won’t have to pay a full day (never walk!).
If they go thru a lot of agency workers, one of the subbies (with kids to feed) who works like he is on price (but for day rate to avoid the sack) will usually take you to one side & warn you early. If they’re wankers they won’t tell you until after.
If you’re working on a large job, lads will be sucking up, criticising, lying to the manager & bringing up their kids they don’t see within 30 minutes of starting. This is to milk the contract & so if labour has to be reduced, it will be you and not them. Be wary of anyone offering to share tools.
Pissed off, sacked agency workers sometimes discreetly damage work somebody else did in revenge, before they go
“Thanks for today, Mark.” *puts out hand for a handshake while staring through you* “do you have any feedback?” “No, great job!” “I was told this job was 6 months work?” “not by me!”
Said to person who answers a question more than 5 minutes after it has already been answered and the topic has since moved on.
“Thanks Pam!”
An individual with low stamina when called upon to perform a hot carl, a Cincinnati bowtie or a similar act involving defecation on another person for one or both parties’ gratification. Generally it indicates that the person (Mister) can only squeeze their bowels twice (two squeeze) before completing the act (thank you please), which is considered unimpressive, disappointing and, in some circumstances, embarrassing. It’s comparable to a one-pump chump or ‘Mr. Wham-Bam-Thank-You-Maam’.
First heard in the 2013 film Movie 43.
“Drinks are cool. Have a few fuckin drinks. Makes you last longer!”
“‘Last longer’??”
“You don’t wanna be Mr. Two-Squeeze Thank-You-Please, right?”
“Oh, you definitely don’t wanna be that.”
A polite expression used when acknowledging a gift, service, or compliment, or accepting or refusing, created and known from DarrenLevy YouTube channel
"Thank-Q for the ride, good night"