A Latin phrase which pretty much translates to "People called "Romanes", they go, the house."
The correct phrase is "Romani ite domum" - "Romans go home".
"What's this then? "Romanes eunt domus"? People called "Romanes", they go, the house!?"
Romans Gaming pc is the item that Roman blew up seven times
“Romans gaming pc blew up again!”
That one thicc loser who makes unfunny skits and says uwu
Friend, watching his videos: who tf is that?
Me: Oh its just Sleepy Roman being dumb
Having absolutely zero knowledge on a topic before the attempt, and stumbling your way through the most chaotic, mentally ill and pyrrhic victory you’ve ever achieved. Subsequently learning almost nothing until halfway through another attempt.
Guy 1: Are you trying to open that?
Guy 2, clearly pushing a pull door: Like scipio and his forefathers, I learn by doing. Observe the Roman try.
Guy 2 pulls the door back only to slam it forwards, breaking the glass and stepping through*
A Roman Hall is a person who is a hypocrite who talks a lot of smack, but can't handle the critisicm, trolls, and attacks that come back to bite him/her.
Trey: "Yo, you seen that new video uploaded by Jeron Marshall?"
Charley: "Yes, but he is a total Roman Hall and I dont associate myself with losers like that.
The Roman Mars Paradox is a thought experiment that illustrates an apparent paradox of experiencing Roman Mars in different forms of media. In the thought experiment, Roman Mars may be considered simultaneously both attractive and unattractive as a result of being linked to the event of viewing Roman Mars.
The Roman Mars Paradox can include both of these statements.
Roman Mars is so attractive, he makes my pussy wet!
I saw Roman Mars and it made my pussy dry-up like a saltine cracker.
A follower of Roman facism.
(Roman facism: The ideology that there's a superior Roman race (ie. the imperials), Romans are demigods who should be worshipped by foreigners, Rome is superior, blonde-barbarians are inferior & should be executed, The Roman Empire should be restored, the Caesars are gods, the Roman military should continously patrol the streets, all Roman citizens should be patriots of Rome & Rome should be glorified with annual parades).
(e.g: The Roman facist believes that the Romans are the superior gods of civilization who invented the world & that the Germanics are inferior blonde-haired barbarians.
Their main slogan would be, 'Bring back The Roman Empire & make Rome great again').