when you snotrocket on a woman’s vagina and then fuck her
“can you do California Snot Rocket instead of using lube?
when a sexual partner's nose is inserted in a woman's vagina, and then they sneeze in it
Zack gave Diana a snot voyage when he put his nose in her cooch and sneezed in it.
The radical acceleration of mucus and other liquified body fluids and chemicals ,including coke chunky blood as they are launched via sneeze down a well mostuirized snotqueduct.
The supermodel I was out with, was so wasted her bloody snot luge ruined my white dinner jacket.
When you blow your nose in a set of pussy lips.
Had a cold when I went down on your mom so I gave her a Dog Snot.
gonorrhea discharge from the penis
After you sleep with a local whore called Dirty Jessica you contract snot-dick
Sexy stringy reclaim usually from dab rigs, just know this type of wax will not let you be able to breathe soooooo... have fun
Hey man what’s that you smoking on
Bro this that damn Sexy Snot
Corn that went up your windpipe, and went back into your mouth or out your nose.
You can still eat it even though it was in your nose
Wow that was one big snot-corn I swallowed