Source Code

Pearly Steamer

When two homosexual men have buttsex, after the pitcher has finished jizzing in his partners a-hole he lies on the floor and his partner speads his gaped anus and takes a steamy cumfilled turd on the pitchers stomach.

As Tyler entered the room he noticed kyle leaving a pearly steamer on greg's torso, all while greg moaned "oh how relaxing!"

by BuddyJezuz September 18, 2008

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Cleavage Steamer

A cleavage steamer is having a one night stand, then defecating on your sleeping partner's chest before leaving.

Guy: Man last night was crazy.
Friend: How so?
Guy: After bangin this chick, I left her a cleavage steamer.
Friend: That's just nasty!!!

by TheHoodRat1987 March 28, 2011

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Miami Steamer

When you take a hot shit on someone during a sexual act on the beach in southern Florida.

Dude, this girl gave me a Miami Steamer last night and it couldn't have felt better.

by Urbancharotte17 January 11, 2017

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Bluebell Steamer

A turbulent session of repeated anal penetration, resulting in a bruised, visibly blue anus. Where so much frictional energy was created that the liquid inside the anus begins to evaporate and escape, creating a dense cloud of steam.

I pounded her so hard she got a bluebell steamer.

by Corn Hungis June 13, 2018

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Strawberry Steamer

a woman standing over their partner, removing a bloody tampon, and slapping it on their partner's chest repeatedly. Must leave marks.

"Mary gave Bill a good ole' Strawberry Steamer when aunt flow was in town, Needless to say, they had to change the sheets afterwards."

by Fiddy One Cent August 18, 2017

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steamer queen

a woman who gives out blowjobs.

Suzy is a steamer queen, I've heard she takes on lines of men.

by Michael A Goodrich December 1, 2006

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Pittsburgh Steamer

This is when a guy or girl is getting shitted on by a guy or girl. This is not considered a pittsburgh steemer unless the person is getting off to this horrible thing. Its then called rape.

Billy: "Hey babe..i got to shit"
Ann: "Oh man..shit on me..on my tits"
Billy:"Ok...(shitting away)"
Ann:"Oh damn...shit on me...ooooooo!"

Thats a pittsburgh steamer!

by allamerwhiteguy September 13, 2005

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