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Nice Guy

A badge of martyrdom. Men who spend their most of their time whining about how women “just want to date jerks”. Oblivious to the fact that no one finds people who feel sorry for themselves attractive, much less people who blame others for their lack of success. Most self proclaimed “nice guys” are just as self-centered and misogynistic as the jerks they gripe about, they are just much more spineless. To stupid to figure why women don’t find them attractive, they conclude that in order to get laid they must treat a woman like shit.

They tend to befriend women with the expectation that women owe them something more than friendship, then get all pissed off when the women tells them she’s not interested. Often going after women who are already in relationships, they misrepresent their intentions and try to use emotional manipulation and the facade of friendship as an excuse to get closer to them and score with them.

The sort of man who will give my definition a thumbs down. :)

Nice Guy: Why don’t women date nice guys like me?
Honest Girl: Because, you have no self-esteem and you have to blame other’s for your problems.

by OneBadAsp October 29, 2006

3986👍 1401👎

guitar guy

The dude you see at parties who sits around on the couch with his guitar singing songs to IMPRESS people, (mainly the ladies), with his so-called talents.

"Dude, did you see the guitar guy play Oasin?"
"yeah, the douche was eyeing my girlfriend the whole time."

by josilyn May 27, 2008

59👍 14👎

Guy Noir

Guy Noir is a character on the radio show "A Prarie Home Companion" by Garrison Keillor. Guy Noir is a stereotypical radio drama private eye.

Excuse me miss, I couldn't help overhearing your story; take my card, I'm Guy Noir, private eye.

by jDean September 20, 2005

25👍 4👎

Pedo Guy

Someone who hurt your pride by telling you that your invention is useless and tell you to stick it up your ass.

A: I just saved all the boys from the cave by diving. It proves that your submarine is useless. Stick it up your ass.
B: You are a pedo guy.

by Elongated Muds September 5, 2018

655👍 214👎

Tourettes Guy

(noun) An unusual, yet hilarious creature, who stars in a series of YouTube videos made for entertainment. The videos follow Danny, the star, as he engages in everyday activities which include making food, putting away groceries, or playing table pool while suffering from alcoholism and Tourettes Syndrome and avoiding and/or berating his son and ex-wife, Shirlena.

He frequently blames his screw-ups, or distractions on Bob Saget.

If you plan on meeting Danny, you better make sure that you don't like Head and Shoulders, Colgate Tartar Control nor Blue M&M's. It would also help if you had previously walked a mile in HIS SHIT. And never, EVER, talk shit about Total.

The character recently died in a car accident. However, if you should ever meet the star be careful as he may just be as crazy as his former character. Offer him Total or Corn Flakes to ease any possible rage exhibited by him.

Tourettes Guy: "BITCH!.... I love you...."


TG: "Fuck you, kid! You're a dick!"

Son: "But dad...!"

TG: "You're a faggot!"

by DrunkyMcLush December 15, 2008

223👍 67👎

dream guy

Referring to a gal's fantasy-idea of a perfect fuzzy-chested snuggle-buddy, this type of fellow not only treats his lady right and is kind, gentle, smart, funny, etc., but he also always keeps an eye on how she's resting while taking a nap, and then he immediately wakes her up whenever her agonized tossing and/or whimpering indicates that she's having a nightmare, so that she doesn't have to needlessly suffer from the bad dream for even one instant longer.

Groggy red-eyed dude: I love how Tiffany adoringly calls me her dream guy and always lets me sleep with her, but she sometimes has several nightmares back-to-back which oblige me to keep waking her up and then soothing her back to sleep again, and so I often don't get much shut-eye myself!

by QuacksO December 24, 2017

20👍 3👎

yous guys

Yous guys are all wrong. Yous guys is a northeast phrase (often used by jersey girls and long islanders) meaning you guys. The extra 's' is not silent and is added for no reason whatsoever.

"Eh, maybe later I'll meet up with yous guys."

"Yous guys keep your mouths shut."

"Very funny, least I'm not stupid like yous guys."

by Michael Siegler October 24, 2007

224👍 70👎