A person who thinks they're everything and such a bad bitch but no one even remembers their name.
- Gemma? Yeah she's such an Amy Brill...
- What's that?
- A person who thinks they're the shit but nobody even cares.
- Oh right... I hate those people.
Genuinely a really pretty girl
Who I want to fuck
Amy Maguire would be a good shag
A pretty girl who wants Ryan to love her but unfortunately he can’t stand her :•(
Amy Maguire is actually in love With Ryan, not the other way round!!
Amy-Lou is a kind beautiful girl who deserves the world. She loves to laugh and can cheer you up any day of the week. If you have an Amy-Lou in your life then don’t loose her as you’ll regret it. Overall Amy-Lou is the best friend you could have and your lucky if you find one.
Amy-Lou is a kind, beautiful person who loves to laugh. She tends to be very energetic and always happy. Amy-Lou will snatch your man with hers looks and smile. If you have an amy-Lou in your life you are very lucky (don’t loose her) if you are called Lily and have a friend called lily it’s a sign that you will be friends forever. overall Amy-Lou is the best friend you can have so cherish her forever.
My name is Amy-Lou.
My bestie in the whole world. She is so kind and caring and very generous. She has helped me through hard times and supported me through everything I do. Even though she is always right (which I hate to admit) I shall not admit I’m wrong to her face maybe on here. Even though we have mini arguments like how many hours there are in a school day (which is 6) what fruit she eats at lunch (a kiwi not a plum) and how 5 is or isn’t a prime number (I still say it’s not) and you “sabotaged” me in my maths ALR that I cheated in. And even though she has no common sense and ignored me the first time I met her. Some how we became best friends and I’m so glad we did. I’m so glad that you are my best friend and I couldn’t wish for any more, I hope we are friends for years to come.-Jasmine
Amy Norman is the bestest friend I could ask for.