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easy gg fucking pc

Conclusion sentence for every english presentation.
Could be used instead of easy gg.

Easy gg fucking pc, Bro!

by bwolf8820 October 21, 2020

the only easy day was yesterday

Is a quote from the Navy SEALs for inspiration.

Cheer up dude, the only easy day was yesterday.

by ThEnAmEtHaTsHoUlDnOtBeSaiD October 17, 2017

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it aint easy, being cheesy

A term used in defense of a verbal attack. Often said when you are blamed for something that was clearly your fault.

gulf: 'you ruined the the lives of thousands of people, and caused irreparable damage to the environment, not to mention taking away people's livlihoods.'

BP: 'we have a lot on our plate at the moment'

gulf: 'our lives are over'

BP: 'It aint easy, being cheesy'

gulf: 'oh, we understand. Sorry we should've known.

by dart8's4life June 23, 2010

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Easy Rider Rifle Rack

Term used to define the rifle racks people with pickups used to have in the 70-80's in their back windows that displayed their weapons. At the end of the movie "Easy Rider" a guy driving in a pickup passed Dennis Hopper , pulled his shotgun out of his rifle rack and shot him dead.

Did you see the nice weapons in his easy rider rifle rack?

I got to get me an easy rider rifle rack.

by BVfan July 19, 2010

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Easy as K-mart Girls

Young females who work at K-mart are notoriously easy. Without much effort you can often fool around with them in the store. If you are a young male it is highly recommended to take employment with K-mart.

If you haven't noticed you will rarely find an employee stocking the shelves or tidying up in K-mart. It is because they are all hiding in the stock room giving or receiving blowies.

What do you mean, you don't know how to stalk on facebook , it's easy as k-mart girls.

by whackipedia July 26, 2011

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Easy Rider Salad The Mall

A famous line by the group Happatai, who sung the world famous Yatta! song.

Nippon Q Q
Ashtala Wonderful!!

by Cloud November 16, 2004

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Taking The Easy Way Out

1. The act of using the simplest solution to a problem, whether or not it's the best one.

2. The act of committing suicide. Generally used (along with other euphemisms) in various settings to avoid using the word "suicide" in any context, because it triggers some people.

After going through a series of traumatic events and losses, Bill decided that taking the easy way out would be his only option.

by Someone who kinda exists June 3, 2022

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