Source Code

rage kick

trying kick a player out of the game until they get kicked

kick n00b
yes: 4 no: 7

kick n00b
yes: 5 no: 6

kick n00b
yes: 10 no: 1

n00b has been kicked from the game.
rage kicked

by anonymous6669 May 9, 2010

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butt rage

irrational anger

A: "I thought YouTube was for videos. Put your pics on Flickr...please."

B: "It's a song. The picture just goes with it... calm your butt rage."

by Conflicc June 24, 2011

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raging cocksucker

1:Someone (male or female) who has lost control of their ability to not have a penis jammed in their throat.
2:A person who sucks up to the boss way to much to simply be called an ass kisser.

1: She's such a whore, I see her with a new guy every night. Yes she sure is a raging cockmaster now.

2: Dude! Jason has only been here 2 weeks and got a promotion. What a raging cockmaster

by Your Mom July 23, 2003

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Raging Queer

A homosexual person that takes being gay over the top. Linked to the way they act.

Jim:Wtf look at that guy!!!

Dan:Yeah hes a raging queer!

by mini-man September 4, 2008

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Raging Spooner

1) the erection, often unwanted and unintentional, that a man has while spooning with another female

2) the erection that results from spooning furiously

Her: "So I was spooning with Tom in bed last night and I all I could feel was his raging spooner poking me in the back!"

Friend: "Eww...Grosss!"

by samsayton March 19, 2011

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Mask Rage

A violent encounter that begins when someone completely loses their mind over someone not wearing a mask in public where social distancing is difficult to maintain.

Mask Rage incidents escalate quickly when the person not wearing a mask, demonstrates their complete lack of human compassion by coughing or sneezing.

Yes he is still in the hospital recovering from the injuries he received in a Mask Rage incident at the Golden Corral.

by ruhcaknevets May 13, 2020

cable rage

The incomparable rage that one feels when dealing with the cable company, when they repeatedly put you on hold for 20 minutes then cut you off, when they cancel a reapir visit after calling your office number to confirm a 7 am visit to your house when you told them to call home, when they tell you to stay home from work for an 8 hour service window because they can't accomdate your weekend request for a month.

Similar to road rage but perhaps a bit less likely to be lethal.

I am in serious cable rage after dealing with those monoploy shitheads at the cable company for the 5th time in the past two weeks. If I could get my hands on some of them right now, ther term 'going postal' might be replaced by 'going cable'.

by Michael Levitan April 4, 2008

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