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taco cat

1. a palindrome

2. a cat that has amazing fighting strengths and powers to totally beat up anyone it wants

Dude!!! Did you see that taco cat just beat up Markus?

by hannah w March 3, 2008

50๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Taco bell

The place where you go to spend 40$ on your birthday and eat it all w/ ur bestie out of the back of a trunk. Afterwards you must yeet to the nearest Burger King before you shit yourself

Fuck I just ate Taco Bell....ugh..... I feel it coming!!!

by blindpersonhrs September 23, 2019

44๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Taco Time

A Mexican restaurant franchise prevalent to the West coast (but gradually moving eastward) of the United States. The first store originated in Eugene, Oregon.

Many confuse Taco Bell and Taco Time - Taco Time, however, cooks everything in the morning fresh for the day, including taco shells and salad bowls, fresh taco meat made from real animal. Taco Bell uses plastic wrapped insta-meat and old taco shells to boot.

Taco Time is mostly known for it's Crisp Burritos - Crisp Bean, Meat, and Chicken. It is also considerably more expensive than Taco Bell, depending on location.

Let's go to Taco Time for some Crisp Bean Burritos.

by fjrefly February 7, 2006

72๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Taco Tango

The most disgusting sex act ever, involving many illegal acts of beastiality, knives, amputee victims, rotten fruit, a q-tip, acid, a decomposing human body, a cow ready for milking, a glass of goat milk, a skeet shooter, a milky way bar covered in vasoline, two male jellyfish, a pint of uranium, a gallon of month old urine, a cactus, monkey hair, a beaver dam, a deer with a beaver inside of it, a human fetus (with umbilical cord attatched) a dozen ostrich eggs, a blender, 14 men, 2 women, a sheet of plastic 10 ft wide/ 30 ft long, powdered sugar, cocaine, a turniquate, and many more parts shall be added.

Attempted many times but never succeeded, many deaths, illegal in all 50 states including puerto rico, not allowed by Geneva Convention.

The myans once attempted the taco tango, and they are all dead now.

by arrested October 6, 2009

52๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

turd taco

1. (n.) an extremely unpleasant meal.

2. (n.) When a woman after taking a shit wipes back to front.

1. I thought your mom cooked well; this is a total turd taco!

2. Yeah, man, after we went to her place, and I was about to go down on her when I realized that she had a turd taco down there!

by faggotron fo fags June 25, 2006

32๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Arby's Taco

1. Nasty, wrinkling hanging vagina flesh, often resembling Arby's sandwhich mean in color and texture. Also know as beef curtains.

Damn! Who would wanna eat that stripper's Arby's Taco? Ewwwww.

by CAPTAIN J. SWALLOWS June 11, 2005

33๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

taco chop

A swift chop to the vagina

Man you really taco chopped the hell outta that bitch!

by B-rad15 December 10, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž