A group of two or more loudly speaking women who appear to talk about anything and gossip about everything
Can you hear those Brooklyn Jews cackling amongst themselves?
similiar to drop bears, they will jump on you and instead of mauling you, will file your taxes.
Man, that guy Sam Levine is such a tree jew!
A post or pole used to erect an object for a temporary amount of time. Often Alder or maple saplings.
Hey Kyle get the Jew Pole and stand that C sucker up under the tarp
A hot nigga who finesses shit. He also has a big dick. He is also a Jew gang gang
Yung Jew will take all your hoes
Person 1:my dad is such a jew licker
Person 2: Really? SO IS MINE!
When person X calls someone else, but only lets the phone ring once and hangs up immediately after, signaling to the dialed person that he/she should call back person X. In this situation person X doesn't need to pay for calling the other person.
Person Y: Yo, did you just give me a jew call?
Person X: Sorry, I'm cheap. Now let's talk.
two peices of bread put together beacuse a person is too cheap to buy the meat for the inside.
Mike : Hey want to go to Outback for dinner?
Ralph : I can't afford it, but i'll go eat a jew sandwich there.
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