Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen, also known as the Olsen twins as a duo, are American fashion designers and former child actresses. The twins made their acting debut as infants playing Michelle Tanner on the television series Full House
Origin: United States (1992)
Record label: Lightyear Entertainment
Companies: The Row, Elizabeth and James, Dualstar
Albums: Give Us a Mystery
Olsen do it again
To stay silent during a group call pretending the microphone doesn’t work so as to avoid uncomfortable questions.
This is Julian’s business - Julian, i see you are on the line, can you hear me. Come on, don’t do the Mariusz.
I have been trying to get an answer from him all day during our WebEx meeting but he was not answering despite everyone could clearly see he was on the call: he was clearly doing the Mariusz.
Dost/dos Gan bew
Dos/dost gatey jow mo si
En bey si menas dos/dost
Charo lu lapbi or calling someone as friend
dos/dost gachi bew? Dos/dost gatey jow mo? Dos/dost C yoe ga
"Doing a William" is falling asleep on top of the bed naked with your dick in your hand, followed by your roommate entering the room and then takes a photo.
I need my own room so I don't get caught "Doing a William"
If someone define himself like a cristiano ronaldo must treat him like a king and give him whatever he wants beacuse his the son of the goat right?
He is the FILHO DO RONALDO that means that he is beautiful like his father
The act of using cocaine expressly for the purpose of waking up or getting rid of a hangover.
Our midterm is only in a half-hour, We should do coffee and get ready.