Eng.: The worst Russian animated movie based on a very controversial book. An blatant xenophobic religious propaganda (read: non-Russians and magicians are evil), graphics and animation efforts are god-awful, the premise and plot are cliched and ridiculous, the overall message is warped, characters are forgettable and unrelatable, multiple blatant historical inaccuracies (read: Nazi camp in Scotland?!), bla-bla-bla. Five obvious reasons I could bother to say. Thank god the sequel never happened.
More like ROC (Russian Orthodox Church) vs. Harry Potter. Harry Potter is still awesome, though.
Rus.: Убогий российский анимационный фильм по очень неоднозначной книге. Банальная ксенофобская религиозная пропаганда (читай: нерусские и маги - зло), графика и анимация отвратительны, замысел и сюжет клишированы и нелепы, общий посыл искажен, персонажи забываемы и неуместны, множество вопиющих исторических моментов неточности (читай: нацистский лагерь в Шотландии?!), бла-бла-бла. Пять очевидных причин, которые я мог бы назвать. Слава богу продолжения не было.
Скорее РПЦ (Русская православная церковь) против Гарри Поттера. Но Гарри Поттер все равно прекрасен.
Kids vs. Wizards' infamous quotes:
Professor Kosh: Let's feed with lead pies! (Профессор Кош: Накормим свинцовыми пирогами!)
Elya: Shut up, Russian pig! (Эля: Заткнись, русская свинья!)
Every kid under 5’5, will be appreciated by giving them your snap (if your not ugly) and giving them a hug. Through (September 1st to August 31st)
Where is my hug at its national short kid day did you forget?
Used when someone does'nt want to explain or emphasis something more and wants to move on, other than the person actually kidding.
"I was kidding about us dating, we could never ha..."
Pretty much telling you to get cancer or another life threatening disease
Get kid you cunt
a group full of eight people
that are definitely ANYTHING but straight
lmao look at them
they are so gay
no. they are straight kids..
About Diz Kid
Ogodo Daniel born ( October 07 2004 ) but professionally and Popularly Know as DIZKID, Dizzy and also Diz. is a Talented successful and renown Singer and Songwriter. Born in Edo state but brougnt up in Oyo and Lagos state Nigeria.
Ogodo Daniel born ( October 07 2004 ) but professionally and Popularly Know as DizKid, Dizzy and also Diz.
is a Talented successful and renown Singer and Songwriter.
Born in Edo state but brougnt up in Oyo and Lagos state Nigeria.
Started singing at the age of TEN (10)
' Ogodo Daniel born ( October 07 2004 ) 'but professionally and Popularly Know as DizKid, Dizzy and also Diz.
is a Talented successful and renown Singer and Songwriter.
Born in Edo state but brougnt up in Oyo and Lagos state Nigeria.
Started singing at the age of TEN (10)