Overwhelming the brain and body through unusual shocks layered upon the usual stress of life
When you receive last-minute changes to a file that must be submitted to the printer today and the printer's wife is in the hospital undergoing a heart procedure and you've also just begun getting up and hour earlier, you take your laptop to the couch with an extra coffee because you don't want to shock the monkey.
An individual so horrible at the video game: Destiny 2, that the only role they can secure in a multi-player activity is to kill weaker enemies inside of damage encounters.
Where is that Ad-clear Ass-Monkey, and why the fuck isn't he killing ads?
monkey beater a person who whips monkeys / niggers for fun or excitement. When you be a mad monkey they will call the monkey beater and will get beat by the nigger whipper
you are a monkey beater
A group of devious individuals whos sole purpose is to cause criminal mischief.
Them Midnight Monkeys are devious as shit!
Any "person* that just needs to beat to death. They likely won't accept the consequences of their bullfuckery
You stupid Bitch Nigger Faggot Monkey. Fight me to the death
What junkies do in Mount Vernon NY.They put a few pennies in a cup,come up to you,rattle the cup and say "Help a brother out". They get enough change from
several people and go buy a bag a dope.
One narc said to he other narc"Yeah the monkey hustling are out on forth avenue is fierce today"