Orange juice niggas are niggas that are just plain and boring and with the flow and doesn't have mind for there own and is controlled by the system
You see that guy in our class he is an orange juice niggas
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A little plastic nodule on the dash of a Citroën C3
The nigga nip is promenant upon the dashboard
some nigga that uses scar-h in brm5
me:hey there is some bitch ass nigga over there
teammate: alr gonna camp this niggah over here
"Yo Pierre, dont be a bitchass nigga and come out here bitch!"
adj. used to describe a Rhodes University gent.
Natasha: What do you think about those guys from res?
Palesa: oh they're such bitch ass niggas
1. what sasuke uchiha is because all he want is some orochimaru dick and a new jutsu he probably beat his meat to him
this is my last sasuke and orochimaru dick joke I swear
2. a bitch that whines about literally everything that happens to them like sasuke
they usually sound like “oh no naruto beat me i guess it’s time to give orochimaru some gawk gawk twister 2000”
3. the emo nigga from naruto/naruto shippuden who beat up gaara somehow, disappears every 2-3 episodes, and always moaning
“sasuke is a bitch ass nigga bro name one time he hasn’t whined about something”