"I'm so bored and I've already tried all the other combinations so I'm going to try ~!23$%67*(0-+QweRTyuIOp}|asDFghJKl;"ZxcVBnm<>/."
An internet phenomenon. Assumed to be an organization of people who has from police and citizen forms have “unmatched intelligence and strength” and regularly seen to be helping the public and solving unsolved crimes. Known to have playing cards on them representing who they are, ranging from the “ace of spades”, “queen of hearts”, “four of diamonds”, “king of spades”, “joker” “seven of clubs” and more. All known to be using/holding swords or knives.From police reports non of them have been found or even caught. Mostly in/around Atlanta Georgia. Currently police have released a 1,000$ reward for each member of the organization. Known to be 13 members all around the ages of 14-29~.
“Police reports say the have found a member of the squad 0”
0-RAM: Interjection similar to many others, can be used in a variety of ways.
Verb: You got 0-RAMmed.
Noun: 0-RAM!!!
An emoticon meant to cause confusion when one can not think of anything wittier to say. Usually used to distract the victim from an awkward statement the user has made. Tends to end in an urban-dictionarying of these symbols.
"What movie did you see?"
"Fast Five"
"How fast was it \-=0 "
When a team in a sport is up by a score of 2-0 but end up blowing the lead in the end.
“Yo Cael did you see that PSG blew a 2-0 lead in the Champions League to Real Madrid”
“Fuck You!”
The face you make when you are horrified, but in a kawaii way.
JIMMY: hey wanna see something?
Cute girl: sure!
JIMMY: *shows a video of porn with a fat guy and a fat women*
Cute girl: 0^0
Jimothy: hey megan wanna, -0-, wanna go out?
Megan: ok, -0-