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stop and blow

getting oral sex in a car, and slamming on the brakes, before ejaculating.

id like to stop and blow that chick

by jesus wants to be ugly January 2, 2008

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Blow boat

Noun. A flamboyant male homosexual.

(Portmanteau word coined from "Blow job" & "Show boat.")

"Sir Elton John is nothing but an ol' blow boat!" Keith Richards hissed during his recent press conference when asked about whether the Grammy & Oscar-winning songwriter would be composing a song for the upcoming Royal Wedding.

by Chance Wayne April 4, 2011

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blow dryer

while getting head, the male farts in the females face or vica versa

i gave my girlfriend the blow dryer when she was giving me head and i farted on her face.

by morningbstar July 5, 2007

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eye blow

To stare at a male suggestively as if be blow him in your mind.

Yo Chris, that faggot over there is eye blowing you, I think he wants your dick.

Or Hey Rick, that hot chick must really want you, she's been eye blowing you for like ten minutes.

by Litespeed November 23, 2009

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blow an assload

to deficate, often violently.

"I drank budweiser last night, and this morning I woke up early because I had to blow an assload."

by waltermitty September 17, 2004

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blow off

Blow off is a British slang term usually used by children to mean "fart". This term was prevalent up until recently but its use seems to be declining and the bawdy American version which means to ignore, or snub, is taking over.
This is one of the reasons Americans are laughed at in Britain as it causes some humour in British households.

My older sister was on the phone to her boyfriend last night and I heard her blow off just as she was pretending to kiss him.

Hey these days you dont talk to nobody, you know what they call you down at Morgans Bar? huh? they call you Mr Blow off, yeah ! hey how about that.

by mrgloop April 4, 2008

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snow blowing

The act of getting back at someone for cumming in their mouth and not telling them. (I.e) After cumming in someones mouth that person then with out telling you, spits the spermies back into your mouth.

YUCK!!!!!!That Bitch just snow blowed me....

by Naked Jeeper! March 11, 2003

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