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Sex icon. Best known for smooth talking women. Sometimes identifies as Mexican.

“Bro you’re a total Dylan.”
Thanks man. Wanna go get Mexican?”

by Swaggy872 May 19, 2021

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A boy with a short stumpy chode and one lonesome pube. He's extremely passionate about his opinions, all of which are about food.

Girl#1: can I borrow a pair of tweezers?
Girl#2: yeah why?
Girl#3: I want to wank of dylan.

by bluewaffle June 6, 2017

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Commonly known throughout his friend group as an asshole. He is very mean to many of his friends. He is good at sports, mostly just gymnastics because he's gay.

"Look at that faggot, he reminds me of Dylan!"

by muhu_ March 31, 2020

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dylan is a bitchass bitch boy who's name was mentioned on the june 2018 algebra 1 regents exam. he was mentioned on question 37, and recieved a lot of backlash on twitter and snapchat because he's a stupid piece of shit who can't count his own money. this stupid motherfucker costed everyone 6 points on the part 4 of the algebra regents. fuck every whore named dylan. i hope your mom takes away all your dimes and quarters and your bitchass video games.

"dylan is a little bitch boy who can suck a fat cock. because of dylan we all have to go to summer school."

by largeforehead@sachem.edu June 13, 2018

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A guy that has amazing abs. He is normally really sweet and cute. You know he is the one for you if his name is Dylan. If you ever meet one just be happy with him because he doesn't like to be sad. He doesn't like fighting unless he really has to. He can be really nice but if you get on his nerves watch out. If you ever meet a Dylan then you need to take care of him because he is a keeper. He also has green looking eyes and has a fantastic personality.

That Dylan over there is just adorable.

by Itsmaboi January 3, 2017

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a really annoying person who likes to make puns about stuff and is constantly saying daddy. this person is normally gay. he's normally a boy and only cares about himself and Is a really good liar.

Girls: Dylan is so annoying and so weird boy Dylan

by hvfghawvufygewhfbvyhwg['[21278 March 8, 2018

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Pretty chill

He just pulled a dylan

by MyFuckingName April 16, 2019

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