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Log flume

To have a bowel movement in a bathtub.

Great day - parade, festival, funnel cakes, shopping.... and then the baby log flumed in the tub...and one of her sisters was in there too!

by Matt Lispen October 17, 2010

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Mossy Log

When a black male sticks his penis into someones anus and gets green poop on it... making it look like a Moss covered log

Mr Jones performed anal sex on his wife last night, he got a mossy log

by xSenor Bivinsx March 8, 2010

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skeet log

a skeet log, or the act of "skeet logging" can only occur after pooping. Some find it necessary to bust some skeet out of their cannons onto their log after dropping le deuce. Once the skeet hits the log, it is then considered a skeet log.

-Skeet logs have been used by Cincinnati Bengals fans at post game BBQ's as delicacies.
-Chad Johnson is in the hospital, what a skeet log.
- Dude, I can't believe you just threw a skeet log at me and my xbox you schmohawk.
-My skeetlog is alllll skeet and no log baby ;)

-Should I give you a cleveland steamer or put a skeet log down your throat?

by Timo W November 6, 2007

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Log Cabin

A log cabin is when a girl takes on the maximum amount of boners all at once without any of them touching. Current scientific research show that the amount is 20.

Me:"19 of my friend and I just gave that chick a log cabin."
Mom: "That's nice, dear."

by Honesto abe January 30, 2011

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Log Jostler

Male person of homosexual nature, or who has preference for penetrative anal sex - e.g to disturb or move i.e 'jostle' faeces in the anal passage i.e a 'log'

That bloke is staring at you like he wants to pump your arse, I think he's a log jostler

by mike2011 March 16, 2011

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Logging Road

A Reverse Treasure Trail, Leading down a guys back to his hairy butt crack

Brad is a hairy dude, and hes got a mean logging road going on...

by tdot44 June 21, 2010

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blood log

A used, bloody tampon.

Frank: Janie has been in the bathroom for a long time, man.
John: She's probably changing out her blood log.

by Stevtro December 27, 2007

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