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All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you. Now's your chance to add your own!
can't be blank
-Write for a large audience. Lots of people will read this, so give some background information.
Don't name your friends. We'll reject inside jokes and definitions naming non-celebrities.
In the boxes below, link to other words with square brackets. For example, booty will become booty.
: "Can't be blank
can't be blank
Type an example of how its used in a sentence
Me: Why does it say "cant be blank"
me: Can't be blank"
Dutch’s way of saying jumping off a high cliff would brutally kill you.
Dutch: you can't fight gravity
John: then give up Dutch!
than it was aliens
"hey those Egyptians couldn't of built it, it must of been aliens " says Jim from accounting
"yea i mean If white people can't do it now, it must of been those damn aliens" says Garry from HR
A stoned little ginger who is very good at not passing exams. Has a homosexual brother who many fear is passing the "Fag" virus to himself.
Battery Gay Brother Falure Can't Read, you spastic
An excuse for a moderator to lock a thread. Usually, it is for one of two reasons:
1: The moderator is too lazy to do their job.
2: The moderator didn't like what the commenters were saying.
Commenter 1: How did this get 2000 upvotes in 30 minutes?
—Commenter 2: ikr? and what's up with the pinned comment? it sounds like an ad!
——Commenter 3: inb4 “y'all can't behave”
One hour later…
Moderator: locked 'cuz y'all can't behave💀
deleted: removed
—deleted: removed
——deleted: removed
/k-a 'kant THiNGk/
A term for a person who's stupid and ignorant
But still has the audacity to do things to other people
Youre an ka-can't-think person
My ka-can't-think neighbor can't stop talking
My ka-can't-think friend wants a debate