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Internet Savant

A person who uses the internet deftly and creatively to answer questions that people ask them with superhuman speed and quality of result.

Person 1 - "What's the name of that song that Van Morrison sings from the 9 months sound track?"
Person 2 - "Let me look"
2 seconds pass and Person 1 receives an IM for the file transfer of the song.
Person 1 - "Dude, you are a total Internet Savant."
Person 2 - " /bow "

by Biffb March 29, 2007

Internet gangsta

Trying to look hard thru a screen usually because they are hoping to gain the respect that they lack in their real life.

Damn that Athena sure is a internet gangsta

by Mrgoodguy August 27, 2021

internet dust

when something in a game (or online in general) goes untouched or is forgotten about for an extended period of time, basically collecting dust as a physical item would.

an instance of this actually being thought of by game developers is in Pokémon Platinum, when your gym badges go ignored, they become dirty and dusty.

Aw fuck, I forgot I left this car in a random-ass garage in GTA. It just sat here for months and collected internet dust.

by CelesteWuff February 20, 2023

Internet Sensitivity

a condition that results in being easily offended by perceived slights over the internet. usually manifests itself in facebook posts, instant messages, chats, WOW or other mmorpg's. most often, but not always, a direct result of the lack of tone in written/typed communications. also known as I.S.; the act of becoming InSensed.

Dude, you get InSensed real easy! There's no need to act like a vagina and quit our party because you lost the roll for those leggings. You need to take your Internet Sensitivity down a notch.

by jc.palacios December 4, 2010

school internet

the dodgiest shit ever. you can easily bypass school internets, stuff that should be blocked isn't block and stuff that shouldn't be blocked is blocked. you're better of using hotspot even if it means the slowest internet ever because the school internet is guaranteed to be 5 times slower and most of the time, not even fucking work. also note that every time you visit a web page you have to sign in with your username and password which both are literally the closest to codes you can get, which makes you feel like a fucking number.

Type an example of how to use this in a sentence you say? Easy. school internet is fucking shit.

by gravysauce481 March 26, 2021

internet corn

porn, but ya know. it is corn

Damn, im so corny. im gonna have to watch so much internet corn tonight

by THIRDLEGGREG April 4, 2017

Internet Explorer

The best web-browser in the world for downloading Mozilla Firefox.

When it comes to downloading Mozilla firefox, Internet Explorer does a magnificent job.

by John #2 July 1, 2005

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