The act of playing hours and hours of Call of Duty to the point where you care about nothing else, including friends, partying, and communication with other human beings.
Tim: "Dude, instead of going to Kelly's party last night and getting shwasted, I stayed home Sucking COD for 17 hours!"
Tim's Friend: "Dude, you really need to stop sucking COD its bad for you".
The method of assigning points to your current miserable issue. Created by the brilliant minds of deranged people for the purpose of a "who is the most miserable pissing contest" Measuring is subjective. However, if one was to set the bar, it's helpful to start with suck points assigned to total world destruction. Suck points for that would be 10,000,000.
My girlfriend was a total bitch today, threw out my weed. I got 100 suck points on that one.
To Suck Fuck, verb.
When you suck so bad at something that "Suck Ass" or "Suck Dick" aren't enough.
Bro, let me spread the butter, you Suck Fuck at that shit.
when someone needs to stop complaining about the situation or a person, one uses this phrase to tell them to just tolerate it.
Friend A: I don't like my clothes wet. Can I go home and change?
Friend B: Just suck it up, dude! We are already late because of the rain.
When she can't throat it all so she just kisses it
"That guy was so long I had to mosquito suck him"
The suck j is another word for a man receiving oral sex.. This term is actually backwards from the "s job" which is its more formal/classier way of saying it
my girl friend gives awesome suck j's
When my wife gets drunk she really throws down on me with a suck j
"You mean I have to pay money for a suck j in Las Vegas "