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Party Tube

Used like facebook and you tube, but this website will tell you where to find all of the great parties in your current area.

Sam asked ben, "Do you know of any parties tonight?"... "Naw" Ben said, "But WE CAN LOOK ON PARTY TUBE!!!!!"

by Richard Cranium 3 January 21, 2011

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Tumour Tube

A cigarette

The grey-faced addicts stood outside, huddling in the drizzle, sucking on their tumour tubes.

by Singletrack November 4, 2013

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Sprinkle Tube

A penis

That guy's sprinkle tube was huge

by ferringdon September 18, 2011

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A shortened form of Fallopian tubes. The tubes that connects the uterus to the ovaries in the female reproductive system.

It is so hot that I am sweating my f-tubes out.

Then the crazy girl kicked that homeless lady right in her f-tubes.

by MagOcto October 7, 2009

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floob tube

the ejaculatory gland

"dude she activated my floob tube"

by RoxasDive February 5, 2010

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Fun tube

The tube that the fun stick goes into, otherwise known as a fun tube.

Keith: Hey Ashley, I wanna fuck you so bad! Im so horny!
Ashley: Sorry keith, my fun tube is off limits this time of the month.

by AshandMich November 6, 2011

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tubed meat

a meat that is in some kind of tube form, usually made from some kind of mystery meat

ex: sausage, hot dogs, brats...

We went to the carnival yesterday. I got a funnel cake while Ben got tubed meat

by leanonpoop February 23, 2009

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