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cheese hummer

Individuals who stand around at parties looking sophisticated, making small talk and eating cheese. Whenever someone says something witty or topical they respond with a "hmmmm".

Often associated with black-skivvy wearing intellectuals at cocktail parties

I'm not going to the cocktail party, the place will be filled with cheese hummers.

by echar September 22, 2009

Boiled the Cheese

When a person attepts to accomplish a task only to end in failure.

refers too: attempting to prepare Kraft Mac & Cheese but dumping the cheese packet into the water.....We've all done it!

Jack really boiled the cheese on that project he was given for class.

by D-Link July 17, 2009


A sword.

Adumbrated in Shakespeare, Henry V, II, Nym: "... I will wink and hold out mine iron. It is a simple one; but what though? It will toast cheese, and it will endure cold as another man's sword will."

The knight stared menacingly at his enemy, before unsheathing his cheese-toaster and charging.

by Chika January 14, 2007

Cheese snuffle

A piece of white bread with melted/crusted cheese on top. Commonly in Norway. Primarily served cold with ham and ordinary cheese in the middle.

Also know as (in norwgian):
- Ostelandgang
- Osteloff
- Ostebriks
- Ostekødd
- Ostegreie

My godness, that sure was one delicious piece of cheese snuffle, Mr. Goldie!

by Cheese snuffle December 10, 2010

Cheese Bunny

A bunny made of cheese. Usually cheddar, but is occasionally mader of blue cheese with pineapple sauce.

Cheese Bunny. Your worst nightmare.

by lectric bill August 11, 2008

Cheese Rind

Cheese Rind, simply put, is the outside layer of dirt and grimy filth that forms on a homeless person's body, hair and neither regions throughout the day Most Cheese Rind is accompanied by a ripe, pungent odiferous smell.

Lisa: Let's go sit at the park during lunch today.

Sandy: No thanks. It's full of bums. Last time I was there I gave a dollar to a bum and he hugged me. I smelled of Cheese Rind the rest of the day. couldn't get that smell off.

by Eaton Holgoode September 17, 2015

Cheese Barn

1. an establishment where cheese is sold, usually on a retail basis.

I went to the cheese barn to purchase cheese

by conradlee October 4, 2011