Source Code

Oxy clean

Stuff that cleans stuff with oxy.

Person: "I want to clean my stuff with oxygen. I will buy some Oxy clean so it will be clean by the works of oxygen."

by Evil October 19, 2003

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Clean House

Having the useless conversation about a friends ex because they were seen at a concert or a bar or any other social area; conversation involves statements like 'I don't care that I saw him' 'I'm fine' 'Is he seeing someone?' 'Does he ask about me' etc

No, you can't come to the show because then I'll have to clean house.

Alright, you've seen her. Guess I gotta clean house.

by Argo1007 December 31, 2014

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on the clean streak

on the real, fo sho, honestly

That guy ate a dogshite brownie, on the clean streak holmes.

by slapcore pleaser December 7, 2005

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Clock Cleaned

To have fellatio performed on you by a willing female participant

Peter just got his clock cleaned by that broad from 8โ€™ Oโ€™clock Shot

by Mr Yamsac June 26, 2020

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cum clean

When an orgasm is achieved with minimal mess

The best thing about my boyfriend is that he can cum clean

by Cavie Willson June 9, 2016

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clean sheet

After a heavy night out, when you drank the pub dry you wake up go to the toilet, wipe your arse and the sheets clean,(didnt even touch the sides)!

Woah i just wiped my arse and its a clean sheet

by shaunus1234 September 28, 2006

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clean slate

"clean slate" means that something looks really amazing. It looks so cool that it can be called clean slate.

All taylormade clubs in a taylormade staff tour bag with r7 headcovers is clean slate

by Brett Shillington August 9, 2006

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