An established(ie: long used) term referring to WW2 vets, however, it was self given(I think..) and is generally used in one of two ways...
1)arrogantly, often something along the lines of the first definition for this word(^)
2)by pacifists who wish to not seem that way or who wish to not be thought of as ungrateful
"Hey! We're the Greatest Generation you hippie punks!"
"What sacrifices, they truely are the greatest generation..."
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After you are done fingering a girls vagina you go outside and shake the hand of her father with the hand you just fingered his daugther with.
Last night I gave Carrie's dad the general's daughter when he came to pick her up; he had no idea.
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A teenage male who understands the female playing field. A bonified PIMP that usually resides in his palace in Scripps Ranch. Usually found under six feet tall and always spittin game.
Yo braw, check out the lil general, he's workin da dunnies like neva before!
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Group of people born in the 60s and 70s classified as lacking morals, respect, and a cause. A reactive generation generally viewed negatively by older generations. This generation has been shown to make up to 12% less than their fathers comparatively in 1974, halting the historical trend.
All the Generation Xers that I work with are broke and their parents do not understand why.
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Niqqas born 2006-up until they die
Those lil kids were born in the worst generation
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The kind of label Gen Xers are supposed to reject.
Some folks who grew up during the eighties, survived, surprisingly, even Wham!, and who at least initially weren't quite as thrilled at the prospect of becoming wage slaves and didn't dream quite as much of a life in the 'burbs as they had been expected to.
In reality nothing close to a majority of a whole generation or even age cohort ever had any resemblance to the stereotype. Wham! still sold a lot of records. Then came underwear with ostentatiously displayed brand name, and heroin chic in tow, so pervading a trend it's not necessary to mention the name of the brand and effects of the anorexic plague are still with us. So much for “generation”, “market savvy”, “anti-consumerist” and "anti-materialistic" at least as far as a whole generation is concerned.
Oh man, that Generation X rubbish again...
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The online generation is made up of those born on or after the first iPad was released on April 3, 2010. These are persons who have been brought up, socialized and educated primarily by online video and audio content. They have engaged with the world online daily from the moment they could press a touch screen, depress a key on a keypad, or speak a voice command to an online electronic device.
She was born as one of the first of the online generation and was raised primarily by her ipad, having learned how to speak, read and do basic math online. By the time she started nursery school she had 480 facebook friends and was playing games with children in Italy and Scotland.