The act of enforcing a 'suitable punishment' on a person or group of people through digital means (social media etc.) for, what the enforcer(s) believe to be, a dishonourable act.
In some cases, the 'punishment' can have negative effects on the person outside of the digital space.
"Did you hear about what happened to that one actress recently?"
"You mean the one that got outed for harassing her colleagues?"
"Yep. That's the one. Some people managed to find video evidence, leaked them, and even sent them directly to brands she's partnered with. A few of them are publicly cutting off their deals with her because of the backlash."
"About damn time digital justice was served."
Typically any situation where municipal and traffic violations are strickly enforced and fines are levied. Unfortunately for the poor who cannot afford to pay, the tab gets bigger and violations are compounded for not paying the original fines.
In some cases cash register justice can be a method available to those that can afford to pay the justice system and meet minor stipulations to get their minor criminal charges dropped and expunged from their record.
Cash register justice can be a "pay-to-get away with it" kinda thing especially when criminal charges are dropped and expunged by paying fees to the prosecutor in additions to minor stipulations. This may available to all in theory but easily taken care of by the rich, but not easily affordable by the poor.
Json justice is when dating or married to a accuser a verbally abusive person ..u blow thier mind by being even more of a hateful back stabbing lying untrustful sneak ..examples are trading thier family farm truck for things that u know they wont want you to have ..b) finally making a json pay for his crimes against you...c) a pleasure achieved from showing a jason that this is what getting even is really posed to be like ..d) watching a person cry because all the years of abuse you took from a json they never saw u being able to hurt them this much..e)knowing u loved someone who deatroyed you and getting even in ways that seem extremely harsh
Iv engaged in json justice hope he is ready for all that he deserves..
Justice is one of the best people you will ever meet.She is loyal and trustworthy and will never do any harm to anyone.Unless you provoke her to do so.She is very loving and kind.She is kinda shy if you don't know her well but if you're her close friend or best friend,she is real outgoing and loud. JUSTICE WILL NOT HESITATE TO GET REVENGE BACK IF YOU DO SOMETHING TO HURT HER.She is the realist person you will meet.Justice can be heavy handed at time and it will not be personal.She is a very cool person.
Who is Justice
Justice is the best person you will ever meet in your life.She is most loyal and trustworthy person you know.She is very loving,kind,and understanding.Justice is very funny and can make you laugh even when you're sad.She is very smart and very strong.If you do something to hurt her feeling or hurt her physically she will do something worse and that is a promise not a threat.Justice is one of the greatest people that can be in your life.She is very shy if you don't know her well bit once you get to know her,she will be loud,outgoing, and show her real personality.Justice has big things coming up in her life so don't ever doubt.
New kid:Who is that
Tasha:Omg That Justice is one the best people I've ever met I'm so glad to have her in my life.
Justice is going to be the nicest guy you have ever met, The first time you met him you knew you wanted to be friends and you thought he was super cute. You may get nervous around him but you guys are friends Be proud that you have justice because i can tell you there's no other like him. There's nobody as nice,sweet and kind as him.Be careful you dont hurt him because he doesn't deserve that .He will love and care for you unconditionally . Hes the best friend you have always wanted. Maybe more one day...
your friend: whats the definition of nice?
you: Justice
A guy with a huge dick that a Mexican loves
Dang that huge is that justice