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When Spotify asked you to try premium. Ahhhh Man! I'm BROKE.
When you looked at the price of AirPods. $159! Nah man, I'm BROKE.
When the new iPhone 11 released with a price that is cheaper than the XR. STILL, I'm BROKE.

Apple: The iPhone 11 is just $699 which is cheaper than the XR.
MyBrokeAss: Oh hell naw! I'm BROKE

by WHEAT CEREAL September 19, 2019


Someone without airpods.

Person A: You see that guy over there?
Person B: Ya, he looks broke.
Person A: Maybe we should buy him some fake airpods so he isn't broke.

by BigBoiDollars February 1, 2019


Brokus-Humanus is a different species of mammals derived from the homo sapiens this creature is so broke that. he can not afford airpods he doesnt have a dime of money in its wallet, he would say shit like "AiRpOdS ArE fOr PeoPlE wHo CaN'T AfFOrD The WiRe" but cry at night because they cannot buy airpods.

Guy 1: Bro look at this guy he is so broke!
Guy 2: How do you know?
Guy 1: Because he doesn't have air pods on!

by EeSea March 15, 2019


Brokus-Humanus is a different species of mammals derived from the homo sapiens this creature is so broke that. he can not afford airpods he doesnt have a dime of money in its wallet, he would say shit like "AiRpOdS ArE fOr PeoPlE wHo CaN'T AfFOrD The WiRe" but cry at night because they cannot buy airpods.

Guy 1: Bro look at this guy he is so broke!
Guy 2: How do you know?
Guy 1: Because he doesn't have air pods on!

by EeSea March 15, 2019


Having money but not enough to spare.

Cory Bambino Ass Always Broke !

by ChicagoNotSafe July 1, 2018



oh my god im broke
no you are broke
thats what i said?
yeah ok

by kremewreck December 3, 2023


Not havin trap money, sabely

Yesterday weedo had a bank in his left pocket, but sabely had no stripper money, so she was broke.

by Wedodagreat March 28, 2017