Source Code


1. Anyone who takes the name C-Money from its rightful owner.

2. Corey Breiland

Corey, you fucking C-Poser. Get your own nickname, like C-Fucker, you fuckin' fucker motherfucker.

by C-Dizz Fo Shizz January 11, 2004

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Poser Skater

A self acclaimed skater who:
1. Can't kickflip or heelflip
2. Never won a game of SKATE
3. Gets blank'd often
4. Can't ollie a one stair set.
5. Never skates by themselves

6. Has a board just for the hell of it

Skater: "Dude, leave me alone, I don't want to skate with you."

Poser: "Come on bro! I hate skating by myself and I need help with my kickflips!"

Skater: "Get away from me poser skater."

by PanzyWarfare November 3, 2009

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Pussy Poser

Someone that sucks and is scared to do something that they want people to think they are good at

Kid 1: hey kid with the razor t-shirt on, scooter off that building
Kid 2: no maybe some other time
Kid 1: dude your a pussy poser

by Big Willy Style May 31, 2007

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Rock poser

Maneskin and their "Beggin'" song.

Dumb middle aged man on radio: Coming up we got Beggin' by Maneskin only on the best alternative station 103.7!

Any actual rock fan: Shut the hell up, they are pop, not rock. Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy, Avril Lavigne, Panic! At The Disco, Green Day, Blink 182, and My Chemical Romance are rock. Maneskin are rock posers.

by Raspberry Necessary 35 January 20, 2022

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cool poser

A person who tries to act kewl (kool), but ends up being called "cool" by everyone. "cool"=bad "kewl"=good "kool"=good

Look at Bob, ugh, he's being a cool poser again by wearing those extra tight skinny jeans. Extra tight skinny jeans are so wrong for a person to wear....

by happyblue88 November 1, 2009

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syn: poser

Someone who poses for porn, or somebody who likes to stand still for ages...or something. Usually somebody who looks like a skux islanda...and generally never a person who is angus by nature.

1) That guy is really into that porn syn: poser.
2) That syn:poser absolutely skux's the shit out of standing still for ages
2) "I'm a syn: poser and I'm skux and not angus"

by Tommy. H April 11, 2006

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Poser Mobile

verizon wireless prepaid phone service.

1:Look at my new phone!
2:Sweet! I have Verizon too!
1:I run out of minutes really fast though.
2:Prepaid? You shouldn't have gotten poser mobile. Extra dollar a day extra.

by b.dogg March 9, 2006

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