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Scoop and fling

The act of when you scoop and fling poop out of someone’s ass to make room for your fist

I just scoop and fling my grandma to make room for my fist. It’s all in the wrist

by Hellllo there March 31, 2019


flaming or violating a person who is capable of beating you up or dealing great damage to you

Nick: *violates a big man*
Jay: Damn... he done scooped you big man

by Kibsterv0.1 March 12, 2024


When you get roasted or bashed very badly.

Leo: your ugly
Lizzy: that's why yo mama is in a coma
Random Person: Damn he just got scooped

by spisyboi September 22, 2021


another word for snatched.

Man: *is wearing a weave*
Woman: *scoops weave* SCOOPED!

by makinglunch June 21, 2018


To accidentally or intentionally lift up a girls dress or skirt in a swift upwards motion.

Max: “Yo franny I think I just got scooped during the wobble!”
Franny:”My bad bro, you were throwing it back to hard I couldn’t resist!”

by Mohammed@mclovin September 8, 2021


A DC meaning to have hooked up with someone but did not have sex

I scooped my coworker last night but I kept my pants on, don't worry!

by Cheyfoxtree December 19, 2015


UK slang for when you're chatting up a girl, and their friends decide that she's not for you, so they 'scoop' her away.

I was chatting up a girl the other day but her mates we're having none of it. I got totally scooped!

by the scooper August 26, 2021