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Dj evensen

Most handsome faggot of them all. He is often found of open mind clubs.

homo for d hood
He had a big careere, and he had a brake trough with the song named Sundays

Ohh that faggot must be dj evensen

by Tommy fly May 4, 2016

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dj atmosphere

candy raver extrodinare who loves the bloomington normal rave scene.

He's a Dj atmosphere wannabe.

by meatballons mcgee January 13, 2004

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DJ Vanilla

Term used to describe a person/persons who intentionally uses material such as a song beat, quote or look which by pop culture standards is already attached to another person/persons/known Icon. This act is usually performed by someone trying to gain in popularity, and seriously lacking originality.

A prime example is when Vanilla Ice during his one hit wonder "Ice Ice Baby" blatently ripped off the song beat from the classic Queen song "Under Pressure"
A more common every day example is;

Ron: Rob totally stole my sig quote!
Jeremy: He's such a DJ Vanilla!

by The Hedge Hog April 11, 2006

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Dj on the dance floor

While dancing on the dance floor at a night club; start grinding with a girl, then have one hand covering you ear (mimicking a Dj who has their head phone on), subsequently, the other hand finger banging her vagina. All these movements should be in one smooth motion and synchronized with the music beats.

Bro A: where were you? we were looking for you
Bro B: I am exhausted, I was a Dj on the dance floor!

by kingsumc February 19, 2017

DJ Sir Scratch

One of the Original Ghetto Style DJs. Expert in Cutting, Scratching and all time Mix Master. Hails from Miami.

Lyle Wilson is DJ Sir Scratch. The One and Only, the Only One.

by Executive Sound Creations November 26, 2006

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A well know homosexual DJ from the South Coast Underground Music scene. Known for dodgy drum and bass mixes.

Did you see DJ Paulo SCUM last night? He bummed on the dance floor.

by Joeydeacon July 4, 2013

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Scratching like a DJ

Female masturbation. Frigging the bean back and forth like a DJ scratching vinyl.

I walked in on my roommate scratching like a DJ last night.

I woke up so engorged and horny I had to scratch it like a dj.

My uncle offered me $200 if he could watch me scratch it like a dj. Want to go to the mall?

Scratching like a DJ

by Dick Onchin April 21, 2020