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Little Brown Bear

A cartoon character who originated from France as "Petit Ours Brun"

He's a little shit who whines and bitches at the drop of a hat, calls his mom horrible and refuses to share things with them. He additionally acted like a prick at the dinner table all because he didn't want his soup.

(Little Brown Bear is sat on the floor as his mum takes off his boots after he was playing outside)
Little Brown Bear: (whining) No I don't wanna get changed! I don't wanna take my boots off!
Mommy Brown Bear: Now listen, that is enough!
Little Brown Bear: (points at his mom's face) YoU'Re So HoRrIbLe!1! ReAlLy HoRrIbLe!1!1!
Mommy Brown Bear: No YOU'RE the one who's horrible, now calm down Little Bear, I've got WORK to do!
Little Brown Bear: (stomping his feet) YOU'RE SO MEAN YOU'RE SO MEAN YOU'RE SO MEEEEEEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by ArchieTheChameleonFan February 1, 2025

Brown Nail

Remembers of shit left under your finger nail after a scat party.

A badly bruised nail bed caused by pressuring the prostate.

“Hey bros how’s it going?”
*hand shake*

“Not too bad how about you?”
“Dude… what’s up with your nails? And what’s that smell?”
“I just finished up a dung festival?”

“A what?”

“A scat party!”

“Ew man! You got brown nail.”

by Tricaratope womb raider July 3, 2024

Snoopy Brown

Snoopy Brown- The act in which man's best friend penetrates ones anus with it's nose.

Person 1: "Bro, the best thing happened last night!"

Person 2: "What man?"

Person 1: "Totally let my dog Snoopy Brown the wife last night!"

Person 2: "Sweet! She's a keeper!"

by ShreddedCunt April 2, 2014

tracey brown

This is the art of achieving orgasm in a public swimming pool. In order to do this a girl must rub their vaginal area on the swimming pool jets achieving multiple orgasms and not been noticed by friends or family members.

I heard she did a tracey brown in the pool then squirted on a life guards face.

by slalesaf January 10, 2024

brown hulk

A really big shit, like fucking huge.

I took a massive Brown Hulk today.

by Cree Exona April 27, 2014

Desdine Brown

The most sexiest woman you will ever encounter, big beautiful eyes with an amazing physique. you always have a great time with her and she’s great In bed it will be a night to remember. she’s the best friend you could have, she’s so supporting and will always have your back. if you have a desdine brown in your life KEEP HER or it’ll be your biggest regret and your greatest loss.

oh crap is that desdine brown? wow I wish that was my girlfriend

by throat goat April 28, 2022

Brown Gum

A miscellaneous substance found in polish males through the rectal cavity, particularly of the darker complexion.

Well, I believe it is time to dig for the Brown Gum

by misoshiru3 July 18, 2024